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Cloacking What?

When we think of invisibility cloaks, the first thing that comes to mind is making objects vanish from sight using advanced opt…

How to? Cloacking

We’ve all seen movies where characters suddenly disappear using some kind of invisibility cloak. But in reality, scientists are…

Cloaking vs. Invisibility

We often use the terms cloaking and invisibility interchangeably, but did you know they have slightly different meanings, espec…

Mr. India

We’ve all seen sci-fi movies where people or objects suddenly disappear, but did you know that real-world invisibility has seri…

Aerogel As Textiles

Aerogels are ultra-lightweight, highly porous materials with excellent thermal insulation properties. However, their brittle na…

Electro-osmosis In Textile

Electro-osmosis in textile membranes is a fascinating process where an electric field drives the movement of fluids through a te…

Nylon6 vs Nylon66

Nylon 6 and nylon 66 are both types of nylon, a strong and versatile plastic widely used for fabrics, engineering par…

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